Avinash Rampersaud Post #3
Avinash Rampersaud
Blog Post 3

This is an Om pendant that I found while walking through Brooklyn on display inside of a jewelry store. In order to have more examples of Om symbols that are actually from New York City, I wanted to explore the different types of forms that they come in and where they are located. I am trying to answer the main question of my research; What is the impact of Hinduism on the society and culture of New York City? This helps me to answer this question because it shows me that Om symbols are widely popularized and available for sale within stores such as this one. Tonight, I will probably look for Om symbols within a religious context such as an altar or a church. Another question that I would like to answer with my research is: How has the original meaning of the Om symbol changed with its adoption by the Western society? I will attempt to answer this question by looking at the Rubin Museum of Art and seeing what is on display and what information is being given to the people who visit the museum.
Blog Post 3
This is an Om pendant that I found while walking through Brooklyn on display inside of a jewelry store. In order to have more examples of Om symbols that are actually from New York City, I wanted to explore the different types of forms that they come in and where they are located. I am trying to answer the main question of my research; What is the impact of Hinduism on the society and culture of New York City? This helps me to answer this question because it shows me that Om symbols are widely popularized and available for sale within stores such as this one. Tonight, I will probably look for Om symbols within a religious context such as an altar or a church. Another question that I would like to answer with my research is: How has the original meaning of the Om symbol changed with its adoption by the Western society? I will attempt to answer this question by looking at the Rubin Museum of Art and seeing what is on display and what information is being given to the people who visit the museum.
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